Quebec Crees want foresting company's certificate revoked
Cree Regional Authority says Resolute Forest Products violated agreement not to clear-cut forest
The Cree Regional Authority of Quebec wants a company’s Forest Stewardship Council certification revoked after it says the company violated an agreement by clear-cutting an area of forest.
The Quebec Crees say Resolute Forest Products is not respecting an agreement between the Crees and Quebec in 2002, called the Baril-Moses Agreement.
Resolute operates in an area north of Chibougamau, Que., on Cree trap lines.

Isaac Voyageur, the Cree Regional Authority’s director of Environment and Remedial Works, said Resolute did clear-cutting instead of mosaic-pattern cutting. Mosaic-pattern means cutting in an area of no more than 150 hectares, and leaving an equivalent area uncut until the area which had been cut reaches three metres of growth.
Voyageur said the clear-cutting goes against the principles of sustainable forestry, and he hopes this will be fixed as soon as possible.
He wants an international body to revoke Resolute’s certification, saying the company has not followed sustainable-forestry practices in the area, including obtaining the consent of the Cree.
"We expect our Cree rights to be looked at and make sure they respect it, that's important. We hope we will meet Resolute to discuss why there has been a violation of the agreement, and we hope it will be straightened out," said Voyageur.
Voyageur said the Grand Council is also talking to the provincial government about the matter.