RCMP asking for help finding snowmobiler who reported himself lost
RCMP received a call from a snowmobiler believed to be lost before midnight Monday

Police are asking for the public's assistance in locating a snowmobiler who reported himself missing Monday night.
Just before midnight on Jan. 7, Hay River RCMP received a call from someone who identified themselves as Shawn Lafferty, 20, and said that they were lost.
Police said the caller was unable to provide a location. The call came from a tower near Behchoko, but the poor signal made communication difficult. The man is believed to be in the area of Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Providence, Behchoko or Whati.
RCMP say they are co-ordinating efforts between these communities for search and rescue. There are active ground and air search and rescue efforts underway in the areas surrounding Behchoko and Whati, concentrating on areas with cabins.
There is no physical description of Lafferty available. The lost snowmobiler may be travelling on a blue 550 snowmobile, and may be wearing a red jacket, red hat, orange mitts and orange scarf.
"While we have relatively little to go on at this point, we are asking the public to be alert to the possibility that a traveller may have accessed a refuge from the cold weather," stated the press release. "They could be on any of the trails between Yellowknife, Fort Providence, Behchoko, Whati and Hay River."
"We just want to hear from Shawn, if that is who called in, or whomever may have placed a call to the RCMP in distress just before midnight last night."
RCMP wrote that they do not want members of the public starting their own searches, because it's very cold and they do not want people to be at risk in an unofficial search.
Anyone with information on the traveller is asked to call Behchoko RCMP at 867-392-1111.