Here's what each small airline gets from $20M funding to service remote N.W.T. communities
Funding was announced in August

The N.W.T. government has announced how much of the $20.145 million some small airlines in the territory will get from funding announced back in August, dedicated to help support small airlines that bring essential services and goods to remote communities.
In a news release Thursday, the territory announced that its $20 million portion is part of the funding program announced by the federal government in the summer to address the "unprecedented crisis in the aviation industry" caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The federal government said at the time the $75 million across northern communities in Canada is for the first six months, and it will invest up to $174 million over 1.5 years to maintain the essential air services, if needed.
Transport Canada will provide $17.124 million to N.W.T. aviation companies, while the N.W.T. government will provide the rest — $3.021 million.
Here's how much each operator will get:
- Adlair Aviation: $82,000.
- Air Tindi: $1,753,000.
- Aklak Air: $1,587,000.
- Ahmic Air: $79,000.
- Buffalo Airways: $740,000.
- Canadian North: $9,300,000.
- Hoarfrost River Huskies: $42,000.
- Landa Aviation: $158,000.
- Northwestern Air Lease: $580,000.
- North-Wright Airways: $611,000.
- Simpson Air: $45,000.
- South Nahanni Airways: $272,000.
- Summit Air: $1,765,000.
- Acasta Heliflight: $1,329,000.
- Dehcho Helicopters: $111,000.
- Denendeh Helicopters: $240,000.
- Great Slave Helicopters: $1,191,000.
- Gwich'in Helicopters: $61,000.
- K'ahsho Got'ine Helicopters: $87,000.
- Sahtu Helicopters: $112,000.