Salt River First Nation to file injunction against whooping crane tours
The Salt River First Nation says Parks Canada failed to consult with them prior to offering whooping crane tours in Wood Buffalo National Park, and is looking to stop the tours by filing an injunction.
First Nation says Parks Canada failed to consult with them prior to offering tours

The Salt River First Nation is looking to stop Parks Canada from running whooping crane tours in Wood Buffalo National Park, saying the federal organization failed to consult with them.
The First Nation has said it will ask a federal court for an injunction to stop the tours, which were a new addition to Parks Canada's offerings this summer.
Parks Canada is planning a variety of tours, including a flyover of whooping crane nesting grounds at an altitude of 1,000 feet, as well as an on-foot trek to a blind about 200 metres from the nests. The tours range in cost between $1,400 and $3,800.
The first tours are scheduled to start next week.