CBC Yukon's Sandi Coleman says goodbye and thanks for listening
Thank you for sharing your early mornings with me these last 16 years, Coleman writes

Sandi Coleman signed off as host of CBC Yukon's A New Day on Thursday morning, retiring after 16 years of early morning radio. She finished her final program with news director Elyn Jones and director Roch Shannon Fraser with this tribute to the CBC audience.
To our listeners: simply, thank you.
Thank you for being out there, ready to listen so that my 3:30 a.m. alarm actually had a purpose — especially mid-winter.
Thank you for trusting that by tuning in you would receive the information you needed to start your day.
Thank you for sharing those hectic hours of getting family ready for school, and yourself out the door for work.

And thank you to those of you who allowed us to invade your bedrooms to ease you out from under the covers.
Thank you for sharing your stories and entrusting them to us to share with others.
Thank you for the wonderful welcome mats whenever we travelled into your homes and communities.
Thank you for making us laugh with your call-ins, and playing along with contests such as "Soundbites" and our search for the healthiest Christmas cookie.

Thank you for keeping us accountable, with your follow-up questions and queries.
Thank you for groaning along with Elyn and I, as Roch attempted yet another character impression.
Thank you for showing up with socks, mitts, and food donations by the truckload, whenever we put out the call for those who are in need in our community.

Thank you for caring about our families, our triumphs and our losses over the years.
And simply, thank you for allowing us to be part of your family every weekday morning, as we pictured you in your pyjamas.