
Snowmobilers jump track at Inuvik's Muskrat Jamboree

A snowmobile race capping off the annual Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik was derailed last night when two drivers drove off the track.

Two snowmobile drivers drove off the track at the Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik last night.

Liz Gordon chairs the jamboree.

She says it appeared one driver had been going too fast to make a turn early in the race, and a second man lost control of his sled due to the snow created by the first collision.

Ambulances were on standby and one of the drivers was rushed to hospital.

“Both men are okay though,” Gordon says. “They had sprained ankles but they're fine. They were at the closing ceremonies waving their hands so we're very thankful for that.”

The men's open 50 mile race was postponed for an hour.

In the end, 12 men competed for a $600 prize.

The closing ceremonies were held immediately after.