Tłı̨chǫ woman makes moose popcorn — literally a dream come true
'It came to me in a dream,' says Sadetło Scott

CBC North is telling the stories behind recipes posted on our Facebook group, The Arctic Kitchen: Recipes of the North. Join our group and follow along!
It's a recipe that appeared before Sadetło Scott … while she was sleeping.
"It came to me in a dream," she said in an interview with CBC Northwind host Wanda McLeod.
"I was having a dream about a guy telling me about moose popcorn … he had cooked moose meat in a pan ... and the next day he ended up making the popcorn and using the fat," Scott said from her home in Yellowknife.
Then in her dream she asked him how he rendered the moose fat.
But, before he could answer, she woke up!

"I woke up actually really angry because I wanted to make moose popcorn," she said to McLeod.
That anger quickly subsided when her brother gave her the fat rendering knowledge she craved.
The next night she got to work, rendered the fat, put it in a pot and popped popcorn in it.
Then she drizzled even more of that yummy fat all over the popcorn.
"It was absolutely amazing," she said.

Scott says it had a "gamey" moose flavour and she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
"My mom is Tłı̨chǫ so I grew up with a lot of caribou and moose and fish," she said.
After the success of her experiment, she shared pictures on CBC North's Facebook group: The Arctic Kitchen.
"That's deadly," said one member.

"U know ur native when u like ur popcorn tasting like meat lol," said another.
Scott says it was great to hear from everyone in the comment section and is looking forward to trying other wild fat popcorn in the future.
"Bear fat, I want to try that … and I am going to try some duck fat popcorn as well."