I'll take 'The Inuit' for $200, Alex: Jeopardy! quizzes contestants on Arctic's first peoples
The president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami suggested the category to host Alex Trebek back in May

Ready to test your knowledge of "The Inuit?"
That was one of the categories on Jeopardy! Thursday night, thanks to a nudge from the president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.
According to the organization, which represents Canada's Inuit population, Natan Obed spoke with Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek in May when the two happened to meet in Ottawa, and suggested the trivia show include a category on Inuit.
The Canadian host must have liked the idea, introducing "The Inuit" category as referencing "the first peoples in the Arctic."
From qulliqs to soapstone carvings and traditional tools, a video posted on ITK's Facebook page shows a clip of four out of the category's five questions.
The $400 answer showed a photo of a hunting tool "that rotates to stay in the whale."
One of the contestants correctly guessed "What is a harpoon."

The $600 answer: "Vital in the dark winter, the qulliq is traditionally fueled by the oil of this animal, whose skin and bones were also key resources."
The first to buzz, Austin Rogers, incorrectly guessed a whale. But the next contestant correctly answered seal.
Rogers has been causing a stir after a 12-game winning streak and racking up $411,000 in winnings — the fifth highest in the show's history.
'None of it'
The $800 clue showed a map of Canada and contestants had to answer which territory was created in 1999.
Rogers correctly answered, "What is Nunavut," but some on social media balked at his pronunciation, which sounded more like "none of it."

Rogers then had a shot at the Daily Double in the final answer of the category, bidding $1,400.
The answer, coupled with a video of a carving was: "Inuit sculpture is in high demand, a favourite subject is this beloved 500-plus pound creature of their homelands."
As the time ticked, Rogers shrugged and guessed a yak.
But alas, he was wrong.
"No, it's like a yak," said Trebek. "But it is a muskox, my favourite animal."
The jovial Rogers ended up losing the game, ending his streak, and appeared on The Tonight Show that night. He told host Jimmy Fallon that he accidentally called Trebek "dude" during his tenure on the show.
"He's Canadian, he won't bite back," he laughed.