Thieves rob boy of bike in the middle of the day in Whitehorse
Suspects in bike robbery assault victim, make off on foot

Whitehorse RCMP are investigating a number of recent thefts and a robbery that occurred in the middle of the day.
Police say a 15-year-old boy had his BMX bike stolen by two males who approached him near Third Avenue and Black Street, in downtown Whitehorse, early Tuesday afternoon. One of the males allegedly assaulted the boy until a passerby intervened. The other male allegedly took his bike. Both males left in the direction of the Skookum Jim Friendship Centre, RCMP say.
The suspects are described as follows:
Suspect 1:Tall First Nation male wearing all black with red and black shoes and a red hat.
Suspect 2: Short Caucasian male with black hair wearing a black hoodie with a yellow symbol on it.
The BMX bike is described as being bright orange with "BMX Sunday" written on the frame.
Walmart wallet thefts, B&E
Between July 20 and 21, Whitehorse RCMP learned of multiple people having their wallets stolen at Walmart.
Police say victims typically had them stolen from their purses while their shopping cart was left unattended. Most of the wallets were later found, but stripped of cash and credit cards.
In another incident, the Sweetness Bakery on Second Avenue was broken into sometime overnight on Monday. An undisclosed amount of cash was stolen.
RCMP say the thefts could be related.
"There's always a possibility that it's a core group of people or a core person [committing these crimes]" said RCMP Constable Julia Fox.
"That's where it's important that people phone these things in when they happen to let us know so that we can at least map it and hopefully narrow down who it could be so that we can try and put a stop to it." Fox said.