N.W.T.'s unemployment rate falls to 4.7 per cent thanks to summer jobs, StatsCan reports
Yukon lost 400 jobs over the last 3 months, while Nunavut added 500

The Northwest Territories added 900 jobs over the summer, according to third-quarter employment data from Statistics Canada released Friday.
Statistics Canada's labour force survey compiled job data from July, August and September in all three Northern territories.
The data suggests the Northwest Territories relies on student jobs to keep employment numbers high over the summer, explained Jeff Barichello, an economic statistician with the N.W.T. Bureau of Statistics.
This follows a common pattern in the N.W.T., he said.
Unemployment rates
The unemployment rate in the N.W.T. is 4.7 per cent. That's a decrease of 3.9 per cent compared to the second quarter of 2018 as fewer people searched for work, according to the labour force survey.
In Yukon, the unemployment rate sits at 3.2 per cent after the territory lost 400 jobs in the third quarter this year, bringing the unemployment rate there up by almost one per cent.
Meanwhile, Nunavut saw a jump in employment. Over the summer, 500 jobs were added, though its unemployment rate stayed relatively the same, according to the labour force survey.
The N.W.T. Bureau of Statistics plans to release its own data Friday afternoon