Tlicho united in saying no to 'superboard'

The Grand Chief of the Tlicho says his members are united in calls to oppose a superboard.
The federal government plans to merge the Northwest Territories’ land and water boards, which have a huge say in which developments get the go-ahead.
Eddie Erasmus is travelling to all four Tlicho communities looking for feedback on the plans. He says about 60 people attended a meeting in Whati Tuesday night.
“There's no need to change the Wek'èezhìi Land and Water Board,” Erasmus says. “There's nothing wrong with it. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's working very well. Why fix something that is not broken?”
Erasmus says elders are telling him they feel the federal government will let development happen without considering how it will impact on the land, water and wildlife.
He says the Tlicho support development, but not at any cost.
Another community meeting is set to take place in Gameti tonight and Wekweeti on Thursday.