Trichinella detected in walrus harvested in Naujaat
Nunavut's health department is asking people in Naujaat to watch for symptoms of trichinosis, after a walrus harvested on Aug. 10 tested positive for trichinella.
Meat should be cooked thoroughly to ensure you don't get sick

Nunavut's health department says a walrus harvested in Naujaat earlier this month has tested positive for trichinella.
The government says the walrus was harvested on Aug. 10.

Trichinella can't be killed by freezing or fermenting the meat. The department of health says it needs to be cooked thoroughly to ensure you don't get sick.
It says anyone who has eaten uncooked walrus meat recently should to watch out for the following symptoms of trichinosis:
- stomach or muscle pain,
- diarrhea,
- swollen eyelids,
- sweating and weakness.
The department of health also wants people who may be buying walrus meat to ask if it has been tested for trichinella.