Two foxes test positive for rabies in Tuktoyaktuk
People asked to contact health centre and report immediately if they’ve come in contact with a fox

After two foxes tested positive for rabies in Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., public health officials are advising people who have been in contact with a fox — or with their dog after it was attacked by a fox — to contact the Rosie Ovayuak Health Centre and report the incident immediately.
A government news release Thursday said there have been incidents of dogs in the community being attacked by foxes.
Officials are also urging dog owners to contact wildlife officers with the N.W.T. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) if their dog was attacked.
The release stated that the departments of ENR and Health and Social Services are working to make sure a vaccinator will be in Tuktoyaktuk in January.
It reminded people that getting dogs vaccinated for rabies is important in reducing the risk of rabies in the community. Rabies can be fatal in humans.
The government is also advising hunters, dog mushers and other people who regularly handle wildlife, to make sure their rabies vaccination status is up to date.