Watch out for wolves, Yukon government warns
Woman and dog stalked by three wolves in Porter Creek area

Conservation officers killed a wolf Wednesday morning near the Whitehorse dump, after a woman was stalked by three of the animals Monday night.
Ken Knutson of Environment Yukon said one wolf was shot this morning, and another was seen at the dump.
"What we do now is once we killed one animal we just wait and see if there are other incidents reported," he said.
"This may have created enough fear, kind of an aversive conditioning effect, if you will, on the other animals that it will be cautious around people. That would be the hope."
A woman in Porter Creek reported being stalked by what she believes were three wolves.
The woman was walking in a greenbelt with her dog on leash. She screamed at the wolves but they continued to follow her to her backyard. The woman said that at one point they tried to encircle her.
Knutson said there is lots of wolf activity at the perimeter of the dump. The animals cross between the dump and the Porter Creek area.
Officials say people should walk with animals on leashes and carry pepper spray.
Knutson said the best way to prevent this would be a complete barrier around all landfills.