Whitehorse business owner 'really angry' after multiple burglaries
Owner of Antoinette's Restaurant says two more break-ins last week are heavy hit to her morale
Repeated break-ins at her business are taking a heavy financial and emotional toll, says Whitehorse restaurateur Antoinette Green-Oliph.
She says there were two more liquor heists at Antoinette's Restaurant last week, bringing the total to 10 over the past year.
"It hurts my pocketbook, and it hurts my heart," said Green-Oliph. "I'm actually really angry and I'm afraid that if I were to walk in on someone again, I would probably use my baseball bat."
A boarded-in deck area was the latest target of the thieves, she says, but windows have been smashed in during five previous break-ins.
"Their sole purpose is to find booze; they never touch the food or anything else and for that I'm grateful. It's always just the booze," she said.

Green-Oliph says she's stopped making insurance claims because it's cheaper to re-stock the alcohol than pay higher premiums.
She says she's also stopped reporting the incidents to the police because there's not much they can do if they don't actually catch the thieves in the act.
She says she's looking into making major improvements to her security system, which would include more alarms and cameras.
In a statement, RCMP told CBC News they are sorry to hear Antoinette's has been targeted again, but stress it's important to report criminal incidents.
"There are times when valuable forensic evidence can be left behind at the scene of a crime and ultimately help us identify the culprit," the statement said.
"If a home or business owner comes across a break and enter, we advise them not to touch or disturb anything, and to call police immediately."