Whitehorse artist's milk jug dress aims to inspire people to find art in recycling
Leslie Leong is this week’s 'artist in the window' at the Yukon Artists @ Work gallery

Leslie Leong says it's not a practical dress, "but it is wearable."
At this week's "Artist in the Window" at the Yukon Artists @ Work gallery in Whitehorse, Leong's creating a dress out of milk jugs.
"I like to use recycled materials because I feel like we have plenty of good materials already in the world," she explained. "We don't need new stuff — we should use what we've got."
Leong said she first got the idea to make a milk jug gown when she was invited to do an artist in residence presentation at the Sewing Through a Landscape gala in Haines Junction.

Model Lyn Fabio went on to wear the gown in a fashion show, and it was also featured in a performance by Teslin actor and playwright Melaina Sheldon where it was worn with a raven mask.
However, over the wintertime, Leong lost the dress while driving home from an art fair.
"I loaded up the truck and it blew away," she said. "I tried to find it; I spent hours looking everywhere."
Leong put the word out, hoping someone would return it — or, she joked, best case scenario she'd find someone "walking around town in it." But it never showed up.
Now, months later, Leong said it was time to take a stab at "version two."
Crafting the perfect gown
To build the milk jug dress, Leong said she starts by using a mannequin as a rough guide.
From there, she cuts the milk jugs into flat panels and attaches them all together, with each piece having at least four pop rivets in it to attach to the other pieces.
At that point, she said sewing patterns are quite useful. Because the panels are see-through, the patterns are often easy to follow, she explained.
"It's beautiful material — and it bends too," Leong said, noting it's similar to gift wrapping ribbon.

New inspiration during pandemic
Leong said the COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on her as an artist.
Right before the pandemic hit, she had just opened an art exhibit, only to have it closed shortly after.
Now that things are slowly reopening, Leong admitted — like many others during this time — finding motivation can be challenging.
However, being able to showcase her talents in this new way brings her comfort.
"It is good to have this," Leong said. "It's really nice to have something to be inspired by."
Leong will be working on her milk jug dress in the gallery window of Yukon Artists @ Work on Fourth Avenue from Wednesday to Friday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Written by Jessie Anton, with files from Paul Tukker