Whitehorse museum protests tax bill
New policy will force non-profit groups to pay part of their property taxes
The MacBride Museum says it cannot afford to pay its Whitehorse city taxes under a new city policy.
The non-profit society has recently been assessed a $3,200 tax bill, a fraction of its full $26,000 assessment, but until now, the entire amount has been forgiven.

Keith Halliday, chair of the museum’s board of directors, told city council last night the MacBride Museum of Yukon History already operates on a shoestring budget.
"What this increase in property taxes does it makes it harder for downtown non-profits to stay at the core of the community," said Halliday.
"We are basically here saying we run a small community organization and we're hoping not to have to raise an extra $3,200 on top of all the other stuff we have our executive director peddling her bike very fast to do."
City councillors say a new city tax policy will force a number of non-profit groups to start paying a portion of their property assessments.