Whitehorse's Whistle Bend land lottery draws zero applications
'We are in a nice position now with land available both within city limits and outside'

The Whitehorse housing market appears to be satiated, as not a single builder applied for one of the 50 properties available in this week's Whistle Bend land lottery.
"I'd say we are well looked after," said Val Smith, a spokesperson for the Whitehorse Realtors Association.
Smith says it signals the land shortage around Whitehorse has ended, and points to the growing number of country residential lots outside the city which have been subdivided for sale recently.
"So I'd say we are in a nice position now," she said. "There is land available both within city limits and outside."
Land officials with the Yukon Government say that they, too, are not surprised by the lack of sales. They say the unsold properties will help fill the land inventory they've promised Yukon builders.
"There's a large inventory available now," says Johanna Smith, who manages land client services for the government, "and as Monday, at 8:30 a.m., we'll add another 52 or 54 lots to that inventory."
Smith says there's keen interest in a commercial property up for grabs in a tender opening scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.
The properties will now be added to the list of more than 100 government lots already available for sale in the city's Whistle Bend neighbourhood.