Crews fight wildfire near Behchoko and Tlicho all-season road construction site
Fire has grown to about 150 hectares in size as of Tuesday afternoon

Crews are fighting a wildfire about 36 kilometres west of Behchokǫ̀, N.W.T., and two kilometres from the Tlicho all-season road construction area, says the N.W.T. Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
The fire has grown to about 150 hectares in size as of late Tuesday afternoon, according to the department's wildfire update website. Earlier Tuesday, the department said it was 60 hectares. It is suspected to have been caused by lightning.
The department says the fire doesn't pose a threat to any communities or to the all-season road construction camp, but that smoke may affect the air quality in Behchokǫ̀ and Whatì.
Three crews and a fire technician have been sent to fight the fire.
There were 20 active fires in the territory on Tuesday afternoon, with six having been reported in the last 24 hours, says the department.
There have been a total of 38 fires this year in the territory, affecting 5,526 hectares.