Wolves kill dog on outskirts of Whitehorse
Conservation officers warn dog owners not to let pets run loose

Yukon conservation officers are warning pet owners to be vigilant after a pack of wolves attacked and killed a dog on Fish Lake Road on the outskirts of Whitehorse last week.
Ken Knutson, a conservation officer with Environment Yukon, says letting pets run loose is an invitation to the wolves.
"That's a free lunch for a wolf and it's very difficult for us to respond and deal with the wolf pack if we've got a bunch of dogs running loose," he said.
"So if you love your pet and you are living in more remote areas in Whitehorse or just on the outskirts where there is wilderness, and you know there are wolves in the area, take the precautions for your pets."
Conservation officers are putting up posters to warn people that wolves have been seen in the area.
They say dogs should be kept inside, in a secure area or leashed.
Officers say people should call Environment Yukon if they see wolves around town.