Yarn-bombed wooly mammoth's pyjamas stolen
Yukon knitting group asks thieves to donate the blankets to charity

A wooly mammoth statue in Whitehorse had its knitted pyjamas stolen last Friday night.
A few weeks ago the statue outside the Beringia Interpretive Centre was yarn-bombed to coincide with a museums conference in Whitehorse, as well as International Yarn Bombing Day.
Yarn Bomb Yukon, a local artistic collective, stitched together the patchwork outfit. "It might have been a prank or maybe somebody didn't like yarn bombing," said Jessica Vellenga, with Yarn Bomb Yukon.
"I am not really sure what the motivation was but we are hoping the person who did take it down would donate the blankets to charity anonymously, or if they want to put it back in front of the sculpture or give them back to Beringia we'd take them back, clean them and give them to charity as well."
If you have any information about the missing mammoth pyjamas, contact Yarn Bomb Yukon on Facebook.