Your North: Best reader photos for the weeks of August 28, September 4
Berry picking, aurora borealis, and local wildlife: it's all here, in a supersized two-week edition of your best photos from across Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories.
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Berry picking, aurora borealis, and local wildlife: it's all here, in a supersized two-week edition of your best photos from across Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories.
Check out your best photos of the last two weeks from across the North:
How's that for a sunset view? Andrew Divecky shot this unbelievable sky over Yellowknife's Frame Lake. (Submitted by Andrew Divecky)
The fall colours in Dawson City, Yukon, just jump out of this scene, sent to us by Adil Syed. (Submitted by Adil Syed)
I think we've all had that reaction before! Baker Lake, Nunavut's Janelle Duval sent us this adorable shot of 11-month-old Emile Oklaga, reacting to waking up out on the land. (Submitted by Janelle Duval)
A little bit of long-exposure trickery led to this unique aurora photo from Cristina Ramos Hernando, who took it in Chicken, Alaska, while on her way to Dawson City. (Submitted by Cristina Ramos Hernando)
Out for a dip! Sachs Harbour, N.W.T.'s Jon Cormier was able to capture this fantastic shot of a swimming polar bear using his drone. (Submitted by Jon Cormier)
Devon Manik sent us this gorgeous photo from a successful community hunt in the Nunavut community of Resolute Bay, where local hunters managed to catch 6 beluga - a great start to stocking community freezers for the winter months! 'Enough to feed many families,' he wrote. (Submitted by Devon Manik)
With the nights getting longer, the Northern lights have made their return to the territories. Collin Goyman took this gorgeous photo in Yellowknife's Old Town. (Submitted by Collin Goyman)
Reflections: still water and hills can make for some gorgeous patterns, as seen in this shot by Ian Atagootak, near Clyde River, Nunavut. (Submitted by Ian Atagootak)
When the skies get dark, the gorgeous landscapes don't stop. Julian Sheppard sent us this shot from Fox Lake, Yukon. (Submitted by Julian Sheppard)
'Caribou are starting their migration south again,' says Greg Sutherland, who saw these on Labour Day near Taloyoak, Nunavut. (Submitted by Greg Sutherland)
The views on Yukon's Sheep Mountain, or Thachäl Dhäl, are simply breathtaking. Ardes Gayangos Ng sent us this shot. (Submitted by Ardes Gayangos Ng)
The massive Crystal Serenity cruise came through Pond Inlet, Nunavut, last week. The ship is sailing through the Northwest Passage this summer for the second time. Hazel Ootoowak snapped this lovely shot of the ship, bathed in the glow of an Arctic sunset. (Submitted by Hazel Ootoowak)
'Went for a drive up Haeckel Hill on Saturday, saw a golden eagle feeding and got quite close,' Whitehorse's Herman Kaglik wrote. 'It was an awesome experience, since I'm a big fan of eagles.' (Submitted by Herman Kaglik)
The fall colours near Inuvik, N.W.T. can make for some unreal landscapes, as seen in this shot by Kristian Binder. (Submitted by Kristian Binder)
Majestic. Laurie Spinks sent us this shot of a young eagle flying near Deline, N.W.T. (Submitted by Laurie Spinks)