Your North: Best reader photos for week of Feb. 20
An airport proposal, a feisty lynx and a micro-masterpiece headline your best photos of the week sent to us from across Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Nunavik.
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An airport proposal, a feisty lynx and a micro-masterpiece headline your best photos of the week sent to us from across Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Nunavik. Check out the best shots of the week in our gallery:
Out on the land: Gailann Raddi sent this gorgeous shot, taken near the community of Inuvik, to our CBC NWT Facebook page. (submitted by Gailann Raddi)
An Arviat airport proposal! Breann Hallstrom shared this moment with our CBC Nunavut page. 'I landed back in Arviat to my constable on one knee,' she wrote. 'I'm a nurse in Arviat, and he's a cop. It seemed fitting to put on a Canadian Arctic diamond in the Arctic.' (submitted by Breann Hallstrom)
Aurora overhead! Paul Josie caught this beautiful Northern scene from outside the Yukon community of Old Crow. (submitted by Paul Josie)
'Snowflakes kept photobombing my nature pics this weekend!' wrote Yellowknife's Jeff Hollett, who sent us this gorgeous micro-view. (submitted by Jeff Hollett)
Never too early to start! Leetia Nuyialia sent this photo to our CBC Nunavut Facebook page. Here's five-year-old Ani Akuliqsi cleaning a polar bear skin caught by her father. (submitted by Leetia Nuyialia)
The skies lit up over Salluit, Nunavik, this week, captured beautifully in this shot by Samuel Lassonde. (submitted by Samuel Lassonde)
Elizabeth Barker snagged this shot on her early morning hike to the top of the Fish Lake Trail, near Whitehorse, Yukon, last weekend - arriving just in time for the reward of a brilliant sunrise. (submitted by Elizabeth Barker)
Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed! Robert Tanche sent us this wonderful shot of a peeved-looking lynx, taken between the N.W.T. communities of Fort Providence and Yellowknife. (submitted by Robert Tanche)
A beautiful sun halo perfectly outlines Fort Smith, N.W.T.'s St. Joseph's Cathedral, in this shot by Sam Sanderson. (submitted by Sam Sanderson)