Yukon activists send message to Paris on eve of COP21 summit
Group met at Shipyards Park in Whitehorse and chanted 'We love our climate, we love our winter!'
Yukon joins international #EarthToParis movement ahead of climate change summit

About 150 people gathered at Shipyards Park in Whitehorse on Sunday to express their concerns about climate change as the COP21 summit begins in Paris.

The group heard from speakers, then arranged itself to spell out the word "YUKON." That image is being shared on social media.
"We'll put on the hashtag #EarthToParis, which is a global movement sending messages to world leaders that we need strong, legally binding and fair agreements coming out of COP21," said Amber Church, who works on conservation projects for CPAWS.
Earth to Paris is an international movement designed to support the need for strong action on climate change and a new global climate agreement.