Nominations closed: A full list of who's running in the Yukon election
63 people running for 19 seats in the legislative assembly; Yukoners vote Nov. 7

The ballots are set for the Yukon territorial election on Nov. 7. The nomination period for candidates closed Monday.
In all, there are 63 people running to fill the 19 seats in the legislative assembly. That's one more candidate than in 2011.
The three major parties — the Liberal Party, the NDP and the Yukon Party — are all running full slates this time. The Green Party has five candidates (compared to two in 2011), and there is one Independent (Victor Kisoun, in Watson Lake).
Ex-Speaker David Laxton, who was dumped by the Yukon Party earlier this year, is not seeking re-election as an Independent in Porter Creek Centre.
Another name noticeably absent in this election is Elvis Aaron Presley, a perennial Independent candidate in Pelly-Nisutlin.
The Yukon First Nations Party, a fledgling party in 2011, won't be a factor this time. No candidates were nominated by Monday, so Elections Yukon said the party's registration has been cancelled. In 2011, the party's two candidates both finished a distant fourth in their ridings.
In 2011, the NDP did not have a candidate in the Vuntut Gwitchin riding. Before Monday, it was unclear whether the party would have one this time.
Skeeter Wright, who originally ran for the NDP nomination in Mountainview, has now been nominated by the party in Vuntut Gwitchin.
Here's who's running, in each riding:
Copperbelt North
Liberal: Ted Adel (clerk, Yukon Liquor Corporation)
NDP: André Bourcier (director, Yukon Native Language Centre)
Yukon Party: Pat McInroy (owner, P&M Recycling Depot)
Copperbelt South
Green: Philippe LeBlond
Lib: Jocelyn Curteanu (regional administrative coordinator at CanNor, Whitehorse city councillor)
NDP: Lois Moorcroft (incumbent MLA)
YP: Scott Kent (MLA in Riverdale North, government minister)
Lib: Sandy Silver (incumbent MLA, Liberal party leader)
NDP: Jay Farr (Dawson City councillor, former deputy chief of Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation)
YP: Brad Whitelaw (business owner)
Lib: Mathieya Alatini, (former chief, Kluane First Nation)
NDP: Sally Wright (artist, renewable energy advocate)
YP: Wade Istchenko (incumbent minister)
Lake Laberge
Green: Julie Anne Ames
Lib: Alan Young (owner, Midnight Sun Outfitting)
NDP: Anne Tayler (co-owner, Muktuk Adventures)
YP: Brad Cathers (incumbent minister)
Lib: Don Hutton (retired wildland firefighter)
NDP: Jim Tredger (incumbent MLA)
YP: Cory Bellmore (CAO, Village of Carmacks)
Mount Lorne-Southern Lakes
Lib: John Streicker (climate change researcher, recreation director)
NDP: Kevin Barr (incumbent MLA)
YP: Rob Schneider (Mine supervisor, Marsh Lake volunteer fire chief)
Lib: Jeanie Dendys (director of justice, Kwanlin Dün First Nation)
NDP: Shaunagh Stikeman (lawyer)
YP: Darrell Pasloski (incumbent MLA, Yukon Party leader)
Green: Frank De Jong (Green Party leader)
Lib: Carl Sidney (former chief Teslin Tlingit Council)
NDP: Ken Hodgins (former civil servant)
YP: Stacey Hassard (incumbent minister)
Porter Creek Centre
Lib: Paolo Gallina (community investment manager at Northwestel)
NDP: Pat Berrel (retired Whitehorse Elementary School principal)
YP: Michelle Kolla (former executive director, Council of Yukon First Nations)
Porter Creek North
Green: Mike Ivens
Lib: Eileen Melnychuk (community volunteer)
NDP: Francis Van Kessel (Days Inn manager)
YP: Geraldine Van Bibber (former Yukon Commissioner)
Porter Creek South
Lib: Ranj Pillai (executive director, Champagne and Aishihik First Nation)
NDP: Shirley Chua-Tan (realtor)
YP: Mike Nixon (incumbent minister)
Riverdale North
Green: Kristina Calhoun
Lib: Nils Clarke (executive director, Yukon Legal Services Society)
NDP: Rod Snow (lawyer)
YP: Mark Beese (tools and hardware manager at Home Hardware)
Riverdale South
Lib: Tracy McPhee (former Yukon ombudsman)
NDP: Jan Stick (incumbent MLA)
YP: Danny Macdonald (government press secretary)
Takhini-Kopper King
Lib: Jeane Lassen (teacher, former Olympic weightlifter)
NDP: Kate White (incumbent MLA)
YP: Vanessa Innes (regional economic development advisor, government of Yukon)
Vuntut Gwitchin
Lib: Pauline Frost (President of Vuntut Gwitchin Limited Partnership, Chair of Yukon River Salmon Sub-Committee)
NDP: Skeeter Wright (former executive director, Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation, activist)
YP: Darius Elias (incumbent MLA)
Watson Lake
Lib: Ernie Jamieson (business owner)
NDP: Erin Labonte (community volunteer)
YP: Patti McLeod (incumbent MLA, Speaker of Legislative Assembly)
Ind: Victor Kisoun
Whitehorse Centre
Lib: Tamara Goeppel (volunteer, entrepreneur)
NDP: Liz Hanson (incumbent MLA, NDP leader)
YP: Doug Graham (MLA in Porter Creek North, government minister)
Whitehorse West
Lib: Richard Mostyn (communications at Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board, former journalist)
NDP: Stu Clark (chemical engineer)
YP: Elaine Taylor (incumbent minister)