Yukon NDP criticizes premier's stance on Kaska resource law
Liz Hansen: 'I really honestly do not think that he's paid attention to the court decisions'
The Yukon NDP is criticizing Premier Darrell Pasloski for his reaction to news that the Kaska First Nations will pass their own resource law.
The Kaska say they'll pass a law governing how resources are used on their traditional territory. They also say they don't need government permission to pass the law.

Industry welcomes the idea of such a law.
But Premier Pasloski says the Kaska can't pass any law because they're still under the Indian Act.
NDP leader Liz Hanson says Pasloski doesn't understand that things have changed.
"I really honestly do not think that he's paid attention to the court decisions and looked at the opportunities that the Supreme Court of Canada has clearly outlined for governments to work together," said Hansen.
Hanson says industry and First Nations were clear at last week's mineral roundup in Vancouver.
She says First Nations welcome mining projects and industry wants an investment climate clear of legal tangles.
Hanson is urging Pasloski to change his stance on the Kaska resource law.