Yukon premier Darrell Pasloski not giving up on controversial Bill S-6
Liberals campaigned on promise to repeal legislation

Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski is not about to throw in the towel, when it comes to changing the territory's environmental assessment processes.
Bill S-6 has been a lightning rod for First Nations in the territory, who see the legislation as an affront to their negotiated treaty rights. The bill, passed earlier this year, amends the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act.
Justin Trudeau's Liberal party campaigned on a promise to repeal the legislation.
"Let's sit down either bi-laterally — First Nations and Yukon government — or maybe with the new Liberal government and see how we can work through this," Pasloski told Sandi Coleman on CBC's A New Day this morning.
"That offer is there, and I remain optimistic that we'll be able to have that conversation."
Pasloski maintains that the amendments will put the territory more in line with other jurisdictions, and therefore more attractive for investors and developers.
"If we have an assessment process that is harder or longer to get through than other jurisdictions in the country, that's just another strike against us," the premier said.
Three First Nations filed a lawsuit last week to fight the legislation, but have since signaled that they may drop it if the new government makes good on its promise to repeal it.