Demand for Whitehorse building lots overwhelming supply
More than 50 single family residential lots in Whistle Bend were sold through a land lottery on Thursday

The latest batch of single residential lots in Whitehorse's Whistle Bend neighbourhood were all snapped up when they went on sale Thursday.
There were 103 people entered into the lottery for 56 new building lots.
The lots, part of phase 3 of the subdivision's development, are priced from just over $120,000 to more than $200,000.
Colin McDowell, director of the territorial lands branch, said it's clear there's lots of demand for building lots.

"Pretty significant demand. We're aware, working with [the department of] Community Services, of that demand and really working hard to try to get those next phases out," said McDowell.
"This is one of the bigger responses we've seen in the last several years," he said, at Thursday's lottery draw.
The next release of single residential lots in Whistle Bend will be in spring or summer next year, when more than 130 single lots will be sold.
Officials also opened tenders on Thursday for several multi-family residential lots and six townhouse sites consisting of 20 lots. The townhouse lots were all sold, as was one of three of the multi-family lots. The two other lots will be sold over the counter at government offices.