Yukoner's Windy Arm pond hockey video goes viral
Got 100,000 hits on Youtube in 3 days

A pond hockey game involving Yukon College students went viral on the video-sharing website YouTube this week.
Gabe Rivest stumbled upon a smooth-as-glass lake on Windy Arm, which is part of Tagish Lake in Yukon. He grabbed six classmates and they hit the ice Sunday.
Rivest posted video footage of the playful game on YouTube for his family and friends to see, but he was surprised when Sportsnet posted the video on its website.
In just three days, more than 100,000 people had checked out Rivest's video.
"I was totally not expecting it," he said. "I guess for lots of people in the world, it's probably a very amazing thing to see. It was unreal to be there."
Rivest is now in Whistler, B.C., to coach the Yukon snowboarding team. He said he can hardly keep up with all the email he has been getting about the Windy Arm video.