Yukoners are looking ahead and setting positive goals for the new year
'We need to take care of one another and what we have ' says Sandra Jack-Mirhashem

The year 2020 has been a year like no other.
COVID-19 changed the way that Yukoners live, work and interact with each other.
The past year has tested how capable people can be in times of distress.
Now that the new year is right around the corner, CBC wanted to ask Yukoners about their new year's resolutions.
From changing old habits to cherishing time with loved ones, here is what they had to say about the changes they want to make in 2021.

Some Yukoners have made goals of self-improvement.
Whitehorse resident Asha Bittenbender told CBC that she wants "to cook more.
"I spend way too much money at Tim Hortons."

As for Doug Oulton, he plans to change his habits.
"My resolution is to try to quit smoking. It happened before and hopefully it will happen again."
He says making this type resolution will be a challenge as he turns to smoking in stressful times, but is confident that if he remains motivated, he will achieve his goal.

Valerie Ross says she has a few goals she'd like to accomplish in the new year.
"I'm going to lose some weight like I do every year and just embrace family more when I get to see them."
Sandra Jack-Mirhashen is visiting Whitehorse from Atlin, and is also hoping to cherish time spent with loved ones.
"When COVID-19 happened it might of opened my eyes to understand that friendships mean a lot more than what we valued it as," Jack-Mirahsen told CBC.
She is hoping to maintain and build on the friendships in her life.
"Maybe there are more friendships I need to pay more attention to and need to maintain and repair."

As for Bruce Wilson, he is resolved to not have any resolutions this year.
"No, I don't have any New Year's resolutions. Life is overall pretty good for me," Wilson told CBC.
But he did have a message to share with Yukoners during this time.
"Stay positive, be good to your kids and try to stay happy."
The overall message from each person CBC spoke with was one of pride of being a part of such a strong, diverse community.
Despite the situations that have transpired over 2020, Yukoners are approaching the new year with optimism and goals to work toward.