Do Crew helps Friends of McNabs Island install benches
Volunteers spend beautiful Saturday helping install benches on Halifax Harbour island

The most recent CBC Do Crew project at McNabs Island to install benches along trails was a big project but thanks to volunteers, along with the Friends of McNabs Island, it was a success.
On Saturday, the weather was perfect. It was a bit overcast, so we didn't get too much sun exposure.
Several volunteers brought extra food to share with fellow volunteers: muffins, cookies, and fruit were amicably shared.
The Do Crew split up into a north crew and a south crew, so that we could cover as much ground as possible.
A location for each of the eight benches had already been determined, and they were dropped off by Mark Moore of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources.

We all got to work and successfully installed eight benches that visitors to the island can enjoy for years to come.
We even got to spend some time hanging out at the beach, exploring the forts on the island, checking out an osprey nest and startling deer as we explored.
We all agreed that a Do Crew event on McNabs Island could become an annual thing.
A big thank you to J, Cynthia, David, Codey, Ben, Jen, Claudia, Phil, Dawn, Barb, Tasha and Dion for being this month's Do Crew. And thanks especially to Cathy McCarthy, Joe Shea and Brent King for making sure we could do it.
The annual beach cleanup of McNabs takes place June 5 (rain date June 12). You can register here.
If you know of an organization that could use a hand from the Do Crew, please email Louise Renault at