Amish community request prompts home schooling change
Number of home schooled students down on P.E.I. this year

A request from the Amish community has prompted a change in P.E.I. legislation that deals with home schooling.
The change in the School Act means individual home education plans submitted to government no longer require the name and address of a certified teacher advisor. Education Minister Hal Perry said finding a teacher advisor had been brought up as a challenge by some parents in the past.
"It wasn't really a barrier. It was a bit of a hurdle. Some parents struggled to find teachers to sign off on their programming, and there was never any follow up with that teacher," said Perry.
"Part of this was a request for clarification on this requirement from the members of the Amish community. They felt that it was important that they home school their children in their own tradition. We as a government,respect that."
Perry noted the Education Department reviews home schooling plans, so having a teacher do it as well was not necessary.
The department says it has been notified of 77 students in 45 families currently being home schooled on P.E.I. That compares to 118 students in 68 families last year.
The change comes into effect Oct. 24.