Methadone clinic expansion cuts waiting list
Two new staff positions in Summerside methadone clinic are helping the program across P.E.I., says the province's medical director for methadone treatment.

Up until November resources at the Summerside methadone clinic were limited, says Dr. Don Ling. Ling operated the clinic just one day a week. Most medical supports West Prince patients needed beyond that had to come from the Mount Herbert clinic near Charlottetown.
In November, the province created two new positions in Summerside, a registered nurse and an addictions worker dedicated to the methadone program full-time.
Ling said that has made both clinics more efficient.
"In both centres, by moving all the binders, the charts from Mount Herbert to Summerside, it opened up some time at Mount Herbert," he said.
"We've increased tremendously our capacity, and our numbers have risen significantly in the last three months. I think we've added 50 new patients to the program."
Ling said the current waiting list fluctuates between 50 and 70 people. In March it was 140.