P.E.I.'s new Education Act is now in place
Public Schools Branch replaces English Language School Board

Prince Edward Island's new Education Act is now in effect, according to Education Minister Doug Currie.
Along with the new act, the Public Schools Branch, which replaces the English Language School Board, is now responsible for the day-to-day operations of schools, including staffing, supervision of principals and school staff, maintenance, and bussing.
"Government has made significant changes in our public school system in order to empower all partners to collaborate to provide a better education for Island students," Currie said in a written statement.
"The new Education Act is a modern piece of legislation designed to support these changes, and provide a framework for improving student learning by setting out roles and responsibilities for students, parents, community members, educators and government."

Fewer staff
Currie said the new branch has fewer staff than the school board did and answers directly to the department and the minister, as opposed to school board trustees.
The District Advisory Councils and a Principals' Council are in place to provide advice to the minister on education priorities.
Currie said the next step in education changes will come in the form of school improvement plans.
"As a next step, the department will be working with school principals to develop and implement school improvement plans that are focused on improving student achievement and wellness," said Currie.
"These school plans will include significant and measurable goals for improving reading, writing and math, so that all partners are focused on moving the markers on student achievement in this province."
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