P.E.I. has some of the lowest child care fees in Canada
Rates lower in Quebec and Manitoba

P.E.I. parents benefit from some of the lowest rates for child care in the country, according to a new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
The group looked at rates in 28 cities in 2018. The rates in Quebec were by far the lowest, under $200 a month. Winnipeg was next at about $650 for an infant and $450 for a toddler.
Charlottetown was next at $738 for an infant and $608 for a toddler.
Rates were highest in Toronto, more than double the Charlottetown rate.
The report says daycare costs in most Canadian cities have gone up more than the inflation rate in the past year.
Most child care centres on P.E.I. are regulated, and rates have not changed.
The report noted that fees were lowest in provinces where they were regulated for most centres, in Quebec, Manitoba, and P.E.I.