Finance chair denies paving spending inappropriate
Coun. Bob Doiron says he has written to premier and communities minister

A Charlottetown city councillor continues to raise concerns about how the city approved spending for road paving last year, but the finance chair says proper procedures were followed.
Coun. Bob Doiron stood up during Monday's council meeting once again to complain that the public works committee approved paving for additional roads last year beyond what had been included in a tender awarded by council.
Doiron said any additional spending should have been brought back to council for approval.
Coun. Terry Bernard, chair of the finance committee, said council had already approved up to $3 million of spending on road resurfacing in the capital budget, and therefore additional approval by council was not needed.
Doiron believes city policy was not followed and he is calling for a review of the city's administration and finances. He said he has sent a letter to Premier Dennis King and Communities Minister Jamie Fox.
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With files from Sarah MacMillan