2 Stratford dogs in custody following October dog attack
The P.E.I. Humane Society worked with RCMP and the Town of Stratford to investigate the case

The P.E.I. Humane Society has confirmed that the two dogs that attacked another dog in Stratford late last month are in its custody.
The two dogs will be assessed for behaviour and health and the outcome will "prioritize public safety," according to a news release from the Humane Society.
"Every breed and size of dog has the potential to harm a person or another animal," the release said.
"Owners are responsible to ensure their pets are under control at all times, and must take fearful, anxious and aggressive behaviour seriously."
The dogs were seized under a search warrant pursuant to the P.E.I. Dog Act.
The two dogs originally remained with their owner. They were declared dangerous, meaning the owner had 10 days to comply with a number of conditions.
Following the attack, because of the injuries and the dog's health and age, the attacked dog, Louie, was euthanized.

The humane society worked with RCMP and the Town of Stratford to investigate the case.