Saskatchewan premier wants $570M from Ottawa in federal budget
Says Ottawa 'could recognize that the formula is flawed,' provide Sask. with new economic stimulus

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says Saskatchewan has put money into a federal program to help other provinces and now it's time to get some payback.
Wall says he'd like to see Saskatchewan get at least $570 million in new funding in next week's federal budget.
That's the amount Saskatchewan will pay into equalization this year.
Wall is currently running as leader of the Saskatchewan Party, which is running to be re-elected for a third term in office.
Equalization transfers funds from "have" to "have-not" provinces, so that poorer jurisdictions can offer government
services at levels similar to elsewhere.
Wall says it doesn't make sense that Saskatchewan continues to contribute so much at a time when the province's energy sector is struggling.
Wall says any new federal funding would go to infrastructure and to a plan to put energy workers back to work
cleaning up old oil wells.
"I understand the equalization formula is not likely to change anytime soon," Wall said Wednesday during the second week of campaigning for the April 4 provincial election.
"But the federal government could recognize that the formula is flawed by providing Saskatchewan with new economic stimulus funding at least equal to the amount they are taking in equalization."