Trial for accused fentanyl dealer continues in Saskatoon
John Olivares is accused of dealing fentanyl and cocaine

The second day of John Olivares's trial for allegedly dealing in fentanyl and cocaine continues today. Olivares was arrested last year.
On Monday, court heard from the first Crown witness, a city street drug cop. The officer investigated Olivares and co-accused, Jillian McMillan.
The officer testified that Olivares was known to city police from previous drug cases.
Surveillance of Olivares began shortly after a tip came in through Crime Stoppers. The officer said Olivares was caught with oxycontin tablets on his person and cocaine and oxycontin pills in his car. This find triggered a search warrant for a house on Hunt Road.
Olivares was arrested only a half hour after the surveillance began.
The defence asked the officer questions on how fast the case came together and what he knew of Olivares.
The trial continues in Saskatoon Tuesday in the Court of Queen's Bench.