Forest fires continue to burn across northwestern Ontario
Monday's fire that burned to the western edge of Geraldton is now listed as being held at 12 hectares

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says fire crews continue to battle blazes across the northwest fire region.
Nipigon Fire 14, which burned on Monday to the western edge of Geraldton, is now listed as being held at 12 hectares in size.
That fire, although not a threat to the community of Geraldton, still requires fire crews to combat a smouldering patch near the community. The MNRF had five water bombers, including two from Manitoba, continuously douse the fire until darkness on Monday night.
A second fire, Nipigon Fire 13, just north of Geraldton, near the local airport, is a combination of four fires that merged into one.
Highway 584, which runs between Geraldton and Nakina was closed from Monday until approximately 1 p.m. Wednesday because of the fire.
According to the Ministry, Nipigon Fire 13 is still not under control, but crews are establishing a hose line around it, and the air attack will continue as needed. Water bombers also aggressively fought that fire earlier this week.
The Ministry also reports that a fire about 40 km north of Raith in the Dog River Road area is being held at 1200 hectares. Water bombers are also working on that fire, along with support from ground crews.
The Ministry says cut wood and forestry equipment was lost in that fire.
An emergency area order is in place with travel restrictions on parts of Dog River Road, north of Sideen Road, as restrictions on the eastern section of Pakashkan Road.
The Woodland Caribou Park fire, known as Red Lake 003, to the west of Red Lake, continues to burn and an emergency area order remains in place. The MNRF said two canoeists had to be rescued from the area after the fire escaped its northern perimeter on Sunday.
The canoeists activated a locator beacon, and were rescued by military personnel from Trenton.
The Ministry said the fire has calmed down as of Tuesday, because of cloudy conditions and rain in the area.
with files from Mary-Jean Cormier and Jeff Walters