Advance polling numbers in Chatham-Kent on the rise
Municipality saw an increase of more than 20 per cent from 2014's numbers

A last-day surge helped push advance polling numbers in Chatham-Kent above 2014 statistics.
Combining online ballots and traditional advance polling, the municipality tallied 12,077 votes — more than 1,800 of those ballots were cast online Monday.
The final count represents a 22 per cent increase over the 2014 combined total of 9,389.
Municipal clerk Judy Smith said she is pleased with the increases.
"I believe increased publicity regarding online voting and more voter familiarity with the process were certainly factors in the increase," she said. "We're very happy with the turnout so far."
In the 2014 election, there were 32,783 votes cast — about 42 per cent of eligible voters.
That percentage increased from 2010, when 32,398 votes were cast — about 40 per cent of eligible voters.
If you missed your chance to vote, you have one last chance to do so — by heading to a traditional polling station on Oct. 22.