Three foot care clinics suspended after infection prevention breach
The health unit received a complaint on June 12

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has suspended three foot care clinics after multiple breaches were identified.
Essex Community Services (ECS) operates the three clinics — one at the Essex Community Service location, and others at the Harrow Arena Community Room and McGregor Community Centre.
The health unit received a complaint on June 12. An investigation revealed breaches in infection prevention and control practices related to cleaning, reprocessing and handling of equipment.
WECHU also says there was inadequate knowledge of infection control best practices.
According to WECHU, the risk of infection is very low but recommends clients who have received services from those clinics to see a doctor.
The risks range from localized skin irritation to more serious infections such as hepatitis B and C and HIV.
According to ECS, the Harrow clinic will remain closed indefinitely. All clients will be accommodated at the Essex location moving forward.
"Our staff and nurses are working closely together to bring our clinic up to standards without causing too much of an interruption or inconvenience to our clients," said ECS, adding that they are cooperating with WECHU and Public Health Ontario to make the necessary changes for the safety of both clients and nurses.
WECHU says additional clinics, which are currently being investigated, could also be added to the suspension list.