Dean Del Mastro: NDP, Tories battle over pension benefits
Tory backbencher's bill becomes battleground in the wake of Del Mastro ruling

New Democrats are accusing the government of attempting to protect their former Conservative caucus colleague Dean Del Mastro from a private member's bill that would prevent MPs convicted of serious offences from collecting a full parliamentary pension.
In its original form, the bill — which stands in the name of Conservative MP John Williamson, who formerly served as Prime Minister Stephen Harper's communications director — would have applied to any MP convicted of an offence prosecuted by way of indictment with a maximum sentence of not less than two years.
Instead of a full pension, MPs in this category would be given a lump sum payment that would cover all payments into the plan, as well as any interest accrued.
On Tuesday, Conservative MP Tom Lukiwksi, who also serves as parliamentary secretary to the government House leader, put forward an amendment that would limit the new rule to a specific list of criminal offences — bribery, theft, breach of trust, frauds on the government, perjury, obstruction of justice and forgery, among others.
But the pension penalty would no longer be triggered by a conviction under the Canada Elections Act, regardless of the offence.
NDP challenges PM over move
In response, New Democrat MP Craig Scott put forward a sub-amendment that would have explicitly added election-related offences to the list, but the Conservatives voted it down, and used its majority to pass Lukiwski's initial amendment.
During question period, New Democrat Leader Tom Mulcair challenged the prime minister to defend that move.
"The amendment proposed by the government, and approved by all the government members of that committee, would only help one person, the member of Parliament from Peterborough," he said.
"Does the prime minister consider that moral?"
In response, Harper argued that there was no need to expand the definition.
"The government has already passed legislation indicating that, should a member be suspended from the chamber, the case is that he ceases to participate, from that point forward, in the MP pension plan" — a bill that, he noted, the NDP had opposed.
In cases like that of Del Mastro, he continued, "we expect the member to be suspended without pay."
The budget implementation bill passed last spring freezes the pensions of MPs or senators suspended from their respective chambers.
Tories to support suspension
But it does not provide for permanent withdrawal of pension benefits, nor does it appear to have any effect on parliamentarians convicted of offences after leaving office — or of those who are not hit with a suspension while still in office.
Shortly after question period wrapped up, House of Commons Speaker Andrew Scheer ruled that the decision on whether to allow Del Mastro to remain in the House following last week's guilty verdicts can only be made by the House as a whole.
In a surprising move, Government House Leader Peter Van Loan announced that the Conservatives would support an NDP motion to suspend Del Mastro without pay immediately, and send the matter to the procedure and House affairs committee to consider any further action.
That could include recommending that the House vote to declare Del Mastro's seat vacant, which would trigger a byelection.
Sponsor of bill backs change
For his part, Williamson told CBC News that he never intended his proposal to apply in cases like that facing Del Mastro.
"I originally proposed crimes with a maximum punishment of two years and argued it be increased to five years — indictable offences — during House debate in June 2013," he noted.
"I don’t think Dean Del Mastro comes close to either threshold, at one year maximum."
In fact, Del Mastro would not have been affected by the bill in its initial form, as he was prosecuted by way of a summary, and not an indictable offence.
Not only does Williamson agree with government's proposal to limit the provision to a list of specific crimes, he said he actually suggested it himself, based on consultations with MPs and reflecting on the House debate.
"My proposals during committee were all five-year indictables," he recalled.
"The opposition … seemed to agree with my reasoning, at the time."
Williamson's bill will return to the House for a final vote later this fall.