Saudi oil and Canada, dalmatians and bees, stock photo bomber, and more

A Canadian business writer says Saudi Arabia is specifically targeting Canada with its efforts to drive down the price of oil...a bee photographer seeks Dalmatian hair -- so he can brush the insects before taking their pictures...and an art director "photobombs" the banal images that often accompany home decor products.
Part One
Globe & Mail's Eric Reguly on Saudi Oil
Saudi Arabia's new king continues to favour oil policies that will keep prices low. That, argues Eric Reguly, is in part, a punishment for Canadian oil producers.
Toller Cranston obit
We remember Toller Cranston, the Canadian figure skater who left people bedazzled by his artful moves, both on and off the ice
Stock photo bomber
Los Angeles art director Matt Vescovo has taken to inserting himself into stock imagery with Photoshop -- and the results are both awkward and awesome.

Part Two
Mysterious death
A coroner in New York declares the death of a 97-year-old man a homicide -- five decades after he was stabbed.
Dalmatians and bees
A photographer seeks Dalmation hair to clean the insect specimens prior to photographing them.

Part Three
Quebec: no more pagers
The Quebec community of Gros Mécatina is concerned over TELUS Canada's recent announcement that it will cancel its pager service countrywide, because the town relies on the service for emergency communications.
Greece: Syriza win follow-up
Former Greek MP and World Bank economist Elena Panaris argues the country's new anti-austerity government may be the country's best hope for getting out from under its economic crisis. But the ruling party won't be winning support from the Eurozone countries who paid to bail Greek out in the first place.
"Unboiling" eggs
Scientists figure out how to unboil an egg in minutes.