Tuesday: Humpback whale protection, US middle class, Shakespeare dictionary, and more...

Part One
Whale protection downgraded
The federal government removes the North Pacific humpback whale from Canada's threatened species list, opening its protected habitat off the west coast to increased shipping and tanker traffic.
US middle class
According to the New York Times, the American middle class is no longer the richest in the world. That title now goes to Canada. But according to our guest, that's not necessarily good news, either for us or for our neighbours.
Eccentric axe
If you thought that thing with the handle and the heavy blade was the apex of wood-cutting tools, be prepared to have your presuppositions chopped to kindling...by the new and improved "eccentric axe".
Part Two
Herb Gray obit
The late Liberal Party stalwart Herb Gray was elected to Parliament twelve times, in opposition and in government -- and tonight, Paul Martin pays tribute to his long-serving friend.
Shakespeare dictionary
Without that one book, it could have been "Now is the winter of our being really bummed out." Two booksellers believe they've found the dictionary that Shakespeare himself used.
Part Three
Ukraine kidnapping
A Ukrainian activist journalist, Irma Krat, is being held hostage is being held hostage by pro-Separatists in Eastern Ukraine. Her friend and lawyer, Oleg Vermeenko, claims the group are using her, along with other hostages, as a human shield.
Cape Breton bones
A woman strolling along the shore of Cape Breton is surprised to see a bunch of human bones and skulls -- and apparently, it's a growing problem.
Bottle kicking
Yesterday, two Leicestershire villages took part in a mad scramble for three casks of ale, in a rule-less sport involving thousands of people. We hear from the event's chairman, Phil Allan.