Canada 'timid' on Syrian refugee crisis: Liberal MP John McCallum

The war in Syria has created more than 2.6 million refugees. Canada has promised to make room for 1,300. So far, approximately ten have made it. In comparison, Lebanon is struggling to accommodate more than a million. Liberal Immigration critic John McCallum calls Canada's response "very timid."
"I think it's incumbent on Canadians to invoke our tradition of being a refuge for the oppressed and do something significant here," John McCallum told Carol.
As It Happens had hoped to put these issues to Immigration Minister Chris Alexander. He declined our invitation, as he has consistently over the past several months.
Hear Carol's full interview with Liberal Immigration critic John McCallum by selecting the "Listen" button.
Related Features:
No Place Like Home: Stories of Syrian Refugees in Exile
As It Happens producer David McDougall and photojournalist Liam Maloney traveled to Lebanon to document the stories of the more than one million Syrian refugees currently living across the country.
Related Links:
CBC News: Canada falling behind on promise to Syria's refugees (Mar. 10, 2014)
CBC The National: Canada failing Syrian refugees (Mar. 10, 2014)