Considering the pre-packaged avocado? Watch this race (featuring Arlene Dickinson)
Cardboard and plastic-wrapped avocados made headlines. What’s wrong with the old original?

The Twittersphere squawked at Sobey's for stocking a pre-cut avocado packaged in plastic and cardboard. Have we reached Peak Packaging? Because News panellist Rebecca Northan calls it a clear sign of the "downfall of humanity."

But as some of you old-timers may remember, avocados previously came in a package called "an avocado." Sobey's responded on Facebook: "This product was developed for people who might be new to using avocados and for a little more convenience."
Watch the video above as Gavin and Dragon's Den star Arlene Dickinson put that statement to the test in a peel-off between a regular avocado and a pre-packaged monstrosity.