Richmond, B.C. playgrounds get the 'Die Hard' treatment

The city of Richmond, B.C., is building a new playground with ziplines, a rolling hill, and a rope walkway in order to introduce more risk (a.k.a. "fun") into play time. Why? Researchers say that risk better prepares kids for life. Clearly they're in denial about the risks of being Nerfed to death.
Because News panellist Anand Rajaram was curious if "more risk" meant Richmond would be supplying "strange old men in trenchcoats" or maybe a sandbox "full of peanuts." Note to playground designers: do not hire Anand.
As someone with four kids and five grandchildren, panellist and Dragon's Den alumna Arlene Dickinson spoke from a place of experience when she said it drives her a bit crazy to see how structured and overprotective modern parents are.
Most dangerous thing I did when I was young? I got married.- Arlene Dickinson
What's the most dangerous thing you did as a kid? Build a diesel-powered go-cart? See how many dimes you could fit up your nose? Literally anything with lawn darts?
Update - Below are the 10 best #AndIDidntDie stories this week: