Roch Voisine on rocking Sochi

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From the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Jian Ghomeshi speaks with Quebec singer/songwriter Roch Voisine about crafting "Living Out My Dreams" -- the official Anthem for the 2014 Canadian Olympic Team -- and how he went from playing hockey to performing concerts.
Voisine tells Jian about how the themes of his song match with the spirit of the Games, why he believes in sports and the Olympics, and about growing up as an aspiring hockey player before his music career took off.
"Like any kid, any good Canadian kid from New Brunswick, you have a bit of talent in hockey; you want to do this for a living," he said.
Voisine also talks about being in Sochi, a place where the athletes are the rock stars.
"Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to a couple hockey players before I leave," he said.