'Punk rock saved my life' Fat Mike and Smelly on NOFX memoir

"No secrets." That was the only rule for the members of NOFX, who touch on everything from childhood trauma to murder to rape in their uncensored memoir, NOFX: The Hepatitis Bathtub and Other Stories.
Fat Mike and Erik "Smelly" Sandin join Shad to share memories of an L.A. punk scene packed with senseless violence, hard drugs and sexual assault.
In a raw and wide-ranging conversation with Shad, the veteran punk rockers share jaw-dropping stories and sobering lessons.
Smelly admits he didn't expect to feel so vulnerable following the book's publication. And Mike adds that the book has come as a shock even to fans.
"People think of NOFX as a 90s fun skate band from California. The 80s were not that at all," says Mike. "Everyone who reads this book thinks of us completely differently now."
"People don't even understand what life was like back then for kids like us," says Smelly.
Please note: This interview goes to some difficult places, including frank discussion of drug use and sexual assault. Listener discretion is advised.
WEB EXTRA | Fat Mike never thought he would be able to pay the bills with punk rock. But luckily for him — and music fans everywhere — he was wrong. Watch his previous chat with Shad below, or listen here.